Only Scientific journals and academic books like epidemiology and nutritional epidemiology are accepted as references for this research proposal and I will provide tge writer with the references after I upload them all. I use pubmed and a university access to have an open access to research articles.
This research proposal should shows the interest of the researcher in Nutritional Epidemiology and population health, and the structure of this proposal should be as follow:
-Summary of the proposal.
– Introduction (the objective should be stated at the end of the introduction)
– Methods and Participants
•study design and settings
• Definition of each Exposure and their assessment (Caloric density, obesity, physical inactivity using METs, and quality of diet by developing food frequently questionnaire Fqq)
• Definition of study participating
• questionnaire development and Exposure assessment.
• Sample Size
• Data analysis (SPSS/STAT)
– Ethics
– Potential limitation
– Expected outcome
– References