- Complete this chart using your 3-day food record ‘Daily Intake’ formsfrom Part 1a (Column D) (4marks).
Gender: _______ Age: ______
Number of Servings Consumed (as per CFG) |
VF |
GP |
Milk |
MA |
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 |
Total of Days (1 + 2 + 3 = ) |
3-day average intake |
Recommended # of Servings per CFG (based on age and gender) |
- Compare your 3-day average intake to your recommended number of servings per day from CFG and identify 4 specific dietary changes that you could make to improve your diet. Identify 1 specific change for each food group, even if your intake aligns with the recommended number of servings.Note: for full marks, you must state if your intake is above, below, or in line with the recommended number of servings from CFG. You might consider the range of choices within each food group (4 marks).
- Accurately state the CFG recommendation concerning intake of added fats and oils.
- Accurately interpret your 3-day average intake of added fats and oils (‘Daily Intake’ form, column C) by comparing your intake to this recommendation (be precise) (2 marks).
- Based on the comparison above, identify 2 specific dietary changes that you could make to meet the CFG recommendations. If you feel your intake is in line with CFG recommendation concerning intake of fats and oils, comment on changes you could make to improve overall diet quality with respect to fats and oils (2 marks).
- Consider the ‘Make each Food Guide Serving count …’ section from Eating Well with CFG. Discuss the recommendations by comparing the types of foods and beverages you consumed with each food group across the 3 days. How do your choices compare to the recommendations? (10 marks).
- How many of your choices did not fall into one of the 4 food groups (traditionally referred to as the ‘foods to limit’ category)? Determine more nutrient-dense substitutes for 3 of these foods (3 marks).
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3-Day Food Record & Dietary Assessment Assignment
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- Assess/discuss your macronutrient intake.
- Calculate your 3-day average energy intake using the daily total energy (kilocalorie) intake figures provided by iProfile. Keep to 2 decimal places (1 mark).
- Use the iProfile daily reports to complete the chart below. Calculate percentage distribution from your macronutrients (5 per answer in shaded areas = 6.5 marks):
(g) |
(g) |
(g) |
(g) |
Total Fibre
(g) |
Day 1 Total |
Day 2 Total |
Day 3 Total |
3-Day Avg Intake (grams) |
3-Day Avg Intake (kcal) |
N/A |
Avg Intake (%) |
N/A |
*For Average Intake (%): Express your 3-day average intakes (in kcal) as percentages of your 3-day average energy intake (from question 1a)
- Compare your average intakes of protein, carbohydrates, and fat to the appropriate Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR) (3 marks).
Avg Intake (%)
(from question 1b) |
(based on your age and gender) |
Protein |
Carbohydrate |
Fat |
- Based on the comparison of your averagemacronutrient intake (%) to the appropriate AMDRs, list 4 specific dietary changes that you could make to improve your diet (4 marks).
- Depending on the results of your comparisons, you could list 4 changes related to your protein intake, or 2 for protein and 2 for fat, or 3 for protein and 1 for carbohydrate, and so on.
- If your diet aligns perfectly with each of the AMDRs (that is, your % energy from each of the macronutrients aligns with the recommendations), specify changes that someone who has an energy distribution pattern of 15% protein, 15% fat, and 70% carbohydrates could make. Please note if you are commenting on your own macronutrient intake or this ‘example diet’.
- Assess/discuss your micronutrient intake.
- Use the iProfile daily reports to complete the chart below. Calculate a 3-day average foreachmicronutrient (do not include vitamin and/or mineral supplements). Round to the nearest whole number (5 per answer in shaded areas = 2.5 marks):
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 |
3-day Average* |
Vitamin A (mcg) |
Vitamin C (mg) |
Vitamin B12 (mcg) |
Calcium (mg) |
Vitamin D (mcg) |
*3-day average is WITHOUT supplements
- Complete Column A in the following table with your personalized DRIs (DO NOT use values generated by iProfile). See document in Assignment tab on UR Courses: ‘DRIs’ for Vit A, C, and B12. See <http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/nutrition/vitamin/vita-d-eng.php> for calcium and vitamin D.Where there is not a value available, place an ‘X’ in the box. Transfer your data from column D above into column B below (5 marks).
Applicable DRI Values |
AI |
UL |
3-day Average |
Vitamin A (mcg) |
Vitamin C (mg) |
Vitamin B12 (mcg) |
Calcium (mg) |
Vitamin D (mcg) |
DRI = Dietary Reference Intakes; EAR = Estimated Average Requirement; RDA = Recommended Dietary Allowance;AI = Adequate Intake; UL = Tolerable Upper Level
- For each of the micronutrients listed in the table above, assess and discuss your 3-day average intake compared to the applicable DRI values. Are you getting enough? If not, where could you get it from? Also consider the following: what is the known physiological function of the nutrient in our body? What are the consequences of deficiency? How important is the nutrient (i.e. are there fortification programs?)? etc. (2 per micronutrient = 10 marks).
- Assess/discuss your fibre intake.
- Use the iProfile daily reports to determine your 3-day average fibre intake.Determine the appropriate adequate intake (AI) for fibre (from ‘DRI’ document) (1 mark).
- Based on the comparison of your average fibre intake to the appropriate AI, describe2 specific dietary changes that you could make to help you meet the recommendations. If you already meet the recommendation, describe 2 specific changes that someone who eats less than the recommended amount of fibre might make to his/her diet. Please note if you are commenting on your own fibre intake or this ‘example diet’ (2 marks).
- Assess/discuss your water intake.
- Using the chart below, calculate your 3-day average water intake, and identify the appropriate AI for water for you (from ‘DRI’document). **Convert your total water intake in mL from the ‘Daily Intake’ forms (Column F) to liters (L) (5 marks).
Water Intake (L) |
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 |
3-day Average |
Adequate Intake (AI) |
- Discuss the adequacy of your water intake (5 mark).
- Comment on how much water is coming from beverages vs. the foods you have consumed (*Note: use the ‘single nutrient’ analysis feature in iProfile) (1 mark).