Please Note: Using a minimum of 4 recent scholarly peered reviewed articles less than 5yrs old for DQ 1 and 2. Must be cited using APA format, 750 words for each topic AND include the HTTP or DOI for all references used.
Topic 8 DQ 2
Consider the growing American incarceration complex. With such an investment in incarceration, what place does rehabilitation have in the future? How may the American prison system encourage and fund rehabilitation efforts when that is not the primary focus?
Reading for the week
1. Correctional Mental Health: From Theory to Best Practice Read Chapter 16 in Correctional Mental Health: From Theory to Best Practice.
2. GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work Access and read the “GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” to assist you in completing assignments and discus
3. Inside the Nation’s Largest Mental Health Institution: A Prevalence Study in a State Prison System
Read “Inside the Nation’s Largest Mental Health Institution: A Prevalence Study in a State Prison System” by Al-Rousan,
4. The Treatment of Persons With Mental Illness in Prisons and Jails: An Untimely Report Please the attachment in PDF for #1, 3, and 4