This field’s unique qualities and needs are taken into account by air law, which is a broad approach to the subject. As soon as a discrepancy between an international norm and a state’s national practice is discovered, the Council must immediately notify all other governments of the disparity. Public transportation depends on limited resources, such as those found on the Earth’s surface. Due to its dependence on limited resources such as fuel, aviation cannot be considered long-term sustainable. Over vast distances, today’s aircrafts are benefiting from the most advanced technologies. Air travel is becoming more popular across the globe as people’s quality of living improves. Society and the environment must bear the cost, and certain inconveniences like noise, pollution, and resource use must be accepted. In terms of aviation’s environmental impact, noise is the most pressing issue.: Could you provide some specific examples here?.: This sentence is a little confusing. The phrase “over vast distances” makes it seem like you are about to talk about physical places that aircrafts travel, but it seems like you are using this phrase to show how advanced the technology is for aircraft. I recommend revising the first part of the sentence with a different, more conventional phrase that still makes this point. For example: “By leaps and bounds…” : I think this would actually be a better place to start your last paragraph. Your last paragraph right now doesn’t really have a topic sentence (the first sentence deals directly with issues of noise, but the entire paragraph isn’t just about noise). Since this is where you begin talking about the effects on society, it would be better to start the last paragraph here.
People who live near airports are exposed to communication interference, sleeplessness, and hearing because of the noise pollution. At addition to affecting students’ ability to study, the noise also has a negative influence on patients in adjacent hospitals. At least 10,000 feet above the earth, the aircraft does not make a substantial amount of noise. To a large part, aircraft engines run on the combustion of gasoline. As a result of emissions from burning gasoline, the air quality within a few kilometers of the airport is dramatically reduced. The air quality is hindered by the fact that the plane is 3 kilometers above the ground during takeoff and 6 kilometers below the ground at landing.: In – the correct conventional phrase is “In addition to…” .: For – the conventional expression is “for a large part” You could also say “to a large extent” Your professor is very adamant that you have five FULL pages of content. This looks like it’s closer to half a page of content, and your professor says they will take off 10 points for that. Are there any more details you can include to help you reach the page expectation? I’ll look to see if there is anywhere you can add information to help get to five full pages.: I feel like this conclusion is missing something. The majority of your paper is about Air law, but then you conclude with a new idea about how air traffic can effect civilians. The conclusion is the area to wrap up or summarize your argument. You usually do not introduce new information in the conclusion. Instead, the conclusion is the place where you explore the “so what” of the rest of your research – it is where you explain why your research is significant. I would recommend revising your conclusion with those characteristics in mind.