Supervisors or supervisees have the right to terminate the supervisory relationship with adequate notice. Rea- sons for considering termination are discussed, and both parties work to resolve differences. When termination is warranted, supervisors make appro- priate referrals to possible alternative supervisors.
Student and Supervisee Responsibilities
Ethical Responsibilities Students and supervisees have a re- sponsibility to understand and follow the ACA Code of Ethics. Students and supervisees have the same obligation to clients as those required of professional counselors.
Impairment Students and supervisees monitor themselves for signs of impairment from their own physical, mental, or emotional problems and refrain from offering or providing professional services when such impairment is likely to harm a client or others. They notify their faculty and/or supervi- sors and seek assistance for problems that reach the level of professional impairment, and, if necessary, they limit, suspend, or terminate their professional responsibilities until it is determined that they may safely resume their work.