Defining Confinement for Juveniles The words confinement or institutional placement often conjure an image of a large, concrete prison with bars and barbed wire. These images of prison have been popularized by movies such as Shawshank Redemption and Dog Pound, and television shows such as Orange Is the New Black and Empire. Although media-derived images of prison may be accurate for some maximum-security adult prisons, juvenile facilities are more varied and complex. The ter- minology used to define juvenile facilities var- ies so greatly that the terms residential or out- of-home placements are often used rather than the term prison. In fact, according to Melissa Sickmund,
Juvenile facilities are known by many different names across the country: detention centers, juvenile halls, shel- ters, reception and diagnostic cen- ters, group homes, wilderness camps, ranches, farms, youth development centers, residential treatment centers, training or reform schools, and juvenile correctional institutions.