If the 5 hesitated, the E said things like, “It will only take a few minutes,” “The regular person is pretty reliable; this is the first time he has missed,” or “If we needed you we could phone you a day or two in advance; if you couldn’t make it, of course, we wouldn’t expect you to come.” After the S agreed to do it, the E gave him the previously mentioned sheet of paper headed “For Group B” and asked him to read it through again. The E then paid the S one dollar (twenty dollars), made out a hand-written receipt form, and asked the 5 to sign it. He then said:
O.K., the way we’ll do it is this. As I said, the next subject should be here by now. I think the next one is a girl. I’ll take you into the next room and introduce you to her, saying that you’ve just finished the experi- ment and that we’ve asked you to tell her a little about it. And what we want you to do is just sit down and get into a conversation with her and try to get across the points on that sheet of paper. I’ll leave you alone and come back after a couple of minutes. O.K.?