Consider that status may be affecting not just the distribution of resources, like developmental opportunities and pay, but also people’s interpersonal experiences and behaviors within your team.See what patterns you detect when you take note of the following:1. Who (besides you as the team leader) tends to talk first in your team, and/or assumes the role of speaking for the group more often than others?2. Are there team members who get interrupted or talked over? Who is getting talked over? Who is being interrupted?3. Who gets the privilege of interrupting, or of not being interrupted?4. Who gets one vote in meetings and who gets two? In other words, who has influence in wrapping-up the group decision?What did the exercise above reveal about status differences that team members may be experiencing?Think about the way that you and your team members interact when discussing work issues and making decisions and record your answers to the following:1) How comfortably can you and your team members express your ideas freely? When someone voices a different perspective, is the tendency to listen with curiosity and openness? Or is it to listen with prejudgment or remain silent about the disagreement?2) What factors in your team, if any, cause people to hold back and choose to be silent?Think about how your team usually makes decisions and record your responses below.1) Do you currently have understood “rules of engagement” about the best way for team members to share information, resolve conflicts, and make final decisions about issues that impact the team?a. If so, in what ways do you think they are (or are not) effective?b. If not, who or what suffers as a result?As you work with your team to enhance inclusion, you will want to pay close attention to cues about whether the inclusiveness of the climate is improving. Reflect on the types of information you can seek out, and from whom/what sources. Make notes about the following:1. How would you know if the climate is changing?2. Describe how you have done or could assess climate using these methods:a. Formal: interviews and/or surveysb. Informal: direct observations, team discussions, third-party observations