K1. Explore global, national and local contexts in education
K2. Examine diverse educational settings that encompass active process for learners to construct meaning and develop skills and capacities based on prior knowledge and experiences in social and cultural contexts.
K3. Critically examine and understand different theoretical positions, models and metaphors related to thinking, learning and teaching.
K5. Understand the complex interconnections between learning, pedagogy, curriculum, assessment and context in early childhood, primary and secondary education.
K6. Critically reflect on and understand the cultural, social and educational forces that can impact on students’ and teachers’ thinking, learning and social behaviours in educational contexts.
S1. Demonstrate familiarity with the contribution of global, national and local perspectives of education
S2. Analyse and synthesis concepts and contemporary issues in education
S3. Critique and explain pedagogical approaches that enhance inclusivity, diversity and learner subjectivity in early childhood, primary and secondary settings
S4. Read for meaning, critically evaluate texts and make thoughtful connections between theory, practice and experience
S5. Closely observe, describe and analyse learning experiences in action and make connections to theoretical understandings.
S6. Inquire into arguments about the purposes of education.