1. An undivided multilane highway segment has two 11-ft lanes in the eastbound direction with no shoulders and a 55 mi/h speed limit. This highway segment has 17 access points on a 0.625 mile, 4% upgrade. During the highest 15 minutes of traffic flow within the peak hour, there are 720 cars, 56 single-unit trucks, and 24 tractor-trailer trucks. What are the estimated speed, density, and LOS of this upgrade?
2. A multilane undivided highway is on level terrain and has two lanes in the northbound direction. The posted speed limit is 55 mi/h, and there are 11-ft lanes, 3-ft right shoulders, and 8 access points per mile. The highway operates at capacity during the peak hour with 20% heavy vehicles and a peak-hour factor of 0.925. What is the peak-hour demand volume?
3. There are two 11-ft lanes in a northbound direction of an undivided multilane highway. The highway has a 50-mi/h speed limit with a 4-ft shoulder. During the peak hour, there are 2,475 total vehicles, with 8% heavy vehicles (even split between STs and TTs). The peak-hour factor is 0.8. One segment of this highway has a +2% grade that is ¾ of a mile long with 9 access points. What is the density and LOS of this highway segment?