1. An approach to a signalized intersection has a saturation flow rate of 2640 veh/h. For one cycle, the approach has 3 vehicles in queue at the beginning of an effective red, and vehicles arrive at 1064 veh/h. The signal for the approach is timed such that the effective green starts 8 seconds after the approach’s vehicle queue reaches 10 vehicles, and lasts 15 seconds. What is the total vehicle delay on the approach for this signal cycle?
2. An approach to a signal has a saturation flow rate of 1800 veh/h. During one 80-second cycle, there are 4 vehicles queued at the beginning of the cycle (the start of the effective red) and 2 vehicles queued at the end of the cycle (the end of the effective green). At the beginning of the effective green there are 10 vehicles in the queue. The arrival rate is constant and the process is D/D/1. If the effective red is known to be less than 40 seconds, what is the total vehicle delay on this approach for this signal cycle?