Pain management. Keeping the patient comfortable postoper- atively is also a high priority for the critical care nurse. Adequate pain management helps keep BP and heart rate under control. Pain should be assessed routinely, as persistent pain may indicate aortic dissection or impending rupture.
Peripheral vascular assess- ment. Assessing the neurovascu- lar status of the lower extremities and monitoring the access sites for bleeding and hematoma is another important component of the nursing assessment.11 Assess for the classic signs of acute limb ischemia using the six “Ps”: pain, pallor, pulselessness, paresthesia, paralysis, and poikilothermia.
Note the return of lower extrem- ity movement, sensation, and strength after waking from anes- thesia. If acute limb ischemia is suspected, contact the healthcare provider immediately. Ischemia may progress to tissue necro- sis and gangrene within a few hours.