CQI has been used in the manufacturing world more extensively than in the healthcare field. However, the underlying foundation of medicine is in fact quite closely tied to the principles of CQI. This includes the observation of a phenomenon, isolating variables and changing the process, observing the results and taking action. If the results are beneficial, continue with the change and look for the next area to improve. If the results are adverse, discard them and try something else. Continue to observe the results until a pattern of foreseeable results emerges from performing certain actions.
CQI is easy for healthcare professionals to learn since it is based on this basic scientific model of discovery. As healthcare professionals learn the concepts and strategies behind CQI, they will infuse their scientific background and experience into the program. Innovative measures and positive results follow quickly. These results include higher quality of service delivered, happier patients and customers, and lower costs. Quality Control has proven time and again to cut costs dramatically.
Leaders in every field constantly strive for improvement, working toward the highest quality possible. In no field can the rewards of this effort be greater than in healthcare. Improved quality not only can improve the quality of life, it can actually give life, extend life and permit life! In no other domain can the benefits of quality improvement prove so beneficial and the lack thereof is so costly.
So what is CQI?
CQI is an analytical decision making tool which allows you to see when a process is working predictably and when it is not. Variation is present in any process, deciding when the variation is natural and when it needs correction is the key to quality control.