1. Being roughed up is sexually stimulating to many women.
2. Many times a woman will pretend she doesn’t want to have intercourse because she doesn’t want to seem loose, but she’s really hoping the man will force her.
3. A man is never justified in hitting his wife.
Scoring: Persons scoring high in acceptance of violence toward women agree with items 1 and 2 but disagree with item 3.
rape Myth Acceptance: rMA Scale
1. If a woman engages in necking or petting and she lets things get out of hand, it is her own fault if her partner forces sex on her.
2. Any female can get raped.
3. Many women have an unconscious wish to be raped and may then unconsciously set up a situation in which they are likely to be attacked.
4. In the majority of rapes, the victim is promiscuous or has a bad reputation. Scoring: Persons scoring high in acceptance of rape myths agree with items 1, 3, and 4 but disagree with item 2.