Fill in the blanks in the text about personal hygiene using the words below.
_________________ (1) is all about keeping your body clean. If you ______________(2) of your
body, then you can be healthy and happy.
When you get up in the morning, you should ______________ (3)your teeth. Proper oral hygiene
practices will go a long way in the prevention of __________________(4) which may cause tooth
Take a ___________________ (5)every day. Wash your body with______________(6) soap to
keep your skin smooth, and put on clean clothes. Do not use ____________(7) soap because it
hurts your skin.
Keeping your body clean and __________________(8) the dirt away will stop the _______________
(9) of harmful ____________________(10) that may cause diseases. (10)
Harsh tooth decay Shower bacteria mild bacteria
Removing smell Brush personal hygiene spread take care