Shifting cultivation is commonly practised in the tropics. It involves forest clearance through
burning and slashing. __________________ is the practice of keeping and grazing animals on
natural pastures. It is common in the arid and semi-arid regions such as certain parts of Saudi
Arabia, northern Africa and northern parts of Eurasia. ________________ focuses on rearing ani-
mals. Unlike nomadic herding, farmers do not move from one place to another in search of pasture
and water, but live in settlements. Also known as tree crop farming, industrialized agriculture or
plantation farming, _________________ covers large land areas. Even if practised on a smaller
piece of land, the activity has a high commercial value. It involves the cultivation of tropical
crops such as tea, rubber, coffee, coconut, cocoa, grapes, apples, spices, oranges, avocado, man-
goes and palm oil. Also known as grain and livestock farming, ________________ involves the
growing of crops and rearing of animals. It has its origins in the humid, mid-latitudes, excluding
Asia. ________________ involves growing crops and keeping animals for the sole purpose of
feeding the farmer and his family. It involves the use of simple farm tools on small pieces of land.
_______________ involves the rearing of cattle for milk. With its origins in Europe, the activity
is highly developed in Sweden and Denmark. ______________, unlike pastoral or mixed farming,
involves the growing of crops without keeping animals. It can be practised on a large, commercial
or small scale.